Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 9:09 AM
John Lennon Day
on KPFK 90.7 FM Radio
Saturday October 9th,
12:00 Noon to 12:00 Midnight
KPFK will Celebrate the Music, Life and Legacy of Singer, Songwriter and Pop
Music Icon John Lennon.
It would have been his 70th birthday. We pay tribute with 12 hours
of special programming, guests and extra special fund drive premiums.
John Lennon Day at KPFK honors Lennon's commitment to peace, truth, freedom
of expression and social justice with very special guests Yoko Ono, Tom
Morello, Rock DJ icon Jim Ladd, John Densmore (original drummer for The
Doors), QUARTETTO FANTASTICO featuring Miguel Atwood Ferguson, Keaton
Simons, Shelia Nicholls, and many others. We'll be previewing the newly
reissued CD's of music that makes up the "Gimme Some Truth" campaign
created to pay homage to John Lennon.
Listen On-Line at: Imagine by John Lennon ***
Subject: [PDLA] It's Not Too Late to Vote in KPFK's Delegate Elections! Election Extended until Oct 13th
From Steve Brooks, PDLA Vice-Chair, who is a stellar candidate for the KPFK local station board. Please
send in your ballots before Oct. 13th. Warm regards, Marcy
| Its Not Too Late to Vote! | Greetings KPFK Members, Sorry for the inconvinience we have corrected a few errors present in the last newsletter.
Thank you for supporting KPFK. KPFK's Local Station Board (LSB) Elections have been extended until Wednesday October 13th! Please submit an Election Request Form for a replacement ballot. Contact Les Radke or (213) 261-7488 any other assistance you may need.
We apologize if you have already submitted a request for a ballot and not yet received one. It is coming this week. When you get your ballot - please send in your ballot to KPFK, POBOX 710, North Hollywood CA 91603 *before* October 13th.
Ballots and candidate booklets were sent in separate mailings using bulk mail rates and this is why you may have gotten you ballot and booket at separate times. Some members have reported that candidate booklets only just arrived in the mail. This is not due to a later outgoing mailing date - it is due to the differences in local rates of bulk mail distribution.
BALLOTS ARE DUE OCT. 13th. We are still far from meeting quorum! Your vote is very much needed.
In order for listener election quorum to be met (10%), approximately listener ballots 1,750 votes need to be returned. In order for staff election quorum to be met (25%), approximately listener ballots 65 votes need to be returned.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THERE AREN'T ENOUGH VOTES? In other words, if we don't meet quorum... a minimum of 10% participation from all members. Without this the election will not be valid. Potential consequences of an invalid election lies in the hands of the Pacifica National Board. The election may be further extended in order to try and reach quorum, this will cost a minimum of 5 to 10 000 per month of extension for all labor and material costs associated. We do not have this money! So please vote!
WHEN WILL THE BALLOT COUNT TAKE PLACE? The ballot count is planned for October 15th, 16th and 17th starting 10 am. It will be open to all to participate and located at KPFK. If you are not a candidate we need your help as the ballot count is labor intensive so please put this on your calendar! Please be sure to confirm the details which will be posted online at Contact Les Radke or (213) 261-7488 any other assistance you may need.
A little history...
KPFK is part of the Pacifica Foundation is the oldest independent media network (began in 1949, see history). The Pacifica Foundation is composed of KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI, WPFW and 100s of associate & affiliate stations (map of all Pacifica stations). The Pacifica Foundation was founded as a visionary alternative to commercially-driven media. We pioneered listener-sponsored, community radio and have been a beacon for noncommercial, free media. Read Pacifica's mission statement.
Media Democracy! Pacifica is the only listener-supported network to have an elected board composed of you, listener and staff members. The board has a huge responsibility which is to ensure that the radio station continues to serve the community (read Pacifica Bylaws). In brief, KPFK's Local Station Board approves the budget, evaluates management, performs community outreach, community needs assessments and assesses programming. It elects representatives to serve on the Pacifica National Board to create policy.
Vote to make sure you are represented on the board. Make an informed choice by getting to know the candidates by reading their statements, tuning into the onair forums and meeting them in the flesh at the multiple in-person forums to make an informed choice. All onair forums are being archived online at
STV - Single Transferable Vote - is the method used in this election. It is considered the most democratic of all election systems as it ensures proportional representation and minimizes wasted votes. For detailed information read STV for Small Elections (KPFK Elections Working Group 2006). Tune into an STV onair tutorial which was carried out by Kathy Kidd (KPFT local election supervisor) Les Radke, national election supervisor 2006, 2009, and one of the individuals who helped write the Pacifica Bylaws.
Many thanks for your time and consideration, Les Radke (KPFK Local Election Supervisor) Renee Asteria (National Election Supervisor 2010) (213) 261-7488 | You are receiving this message as you are a member of KPFK radio and entitled to vote in the local station board elections.
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