Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dionne: A Lame and Spiineless Duck Session, Emergency Call-In Day on Unemployment

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 8:13 AM
Subject: Emergency Call-In Day on Unemployment



Call 877-662-2889 and ask for your senator's office. Tell the person who picks up the phone:

"Across America, unemployment is at record levels. Emergency benefits for workers who have been unemployed for more than 26 weeks are scheduled to expire November 30th. I urge you to renew them immediately!"

report your calls.


Dear Ed,

Across America, jobs just aren't there. It can take a year, 18 months, or even longer for many job-seekers to find work.

Congress is back, but is only in town for a few days. And incredibly, it looks like lawmakers are about to leave for Thanksgiving without extending emergency unemployment benefits—which will expire Nov. 30.

With five job-hunters for every one opening, the long-term unemployed are in the job search of their lives. They need this critical lifeline to pay rent and keep food on the table. So today, we're joining together with a broad coalition of unions and other pro-worker organizations to flood Congress with phone calls.

Please call both your senators toll free at 877-662-2889. Tell them something like this:

"Across America, unemployment is at record levels. Emergency benefits for workers who have been unemployed for more than 26 weeks are scheduled to expire November 30th. I urge you to renew them immediately!"

Then log your calls here.

Since the unemployment insurance program was created in response to the Great Depression, Congress never has cut federally funded jobless benefits when unemployment was this high for this long.

If Congress doesn't renew benefits soon, 800,000 job-seekers will immediately lose their benefits—and by the end of December, 2 million long-term job-seekers will be left out in the cold. With Congress only in town for a few days, we've got to act fast! Please add your voice to our huge call-in day by picking up your phone right now.

Call your senators at 877-662-2889. Tell them:

"Across America, unemployment is at record levels. Emergency benefits for workers who have been unemployed for more than 26 weeks are scheduled to expire November 30th. I urge you to renew them immediately!"

Then let us know you called.

As the holidays approach, we've got to make sure Congress doesn't turn its back on unemployed workers and their families again—not even for even a day.

Thanks for standing in solidarity with folks who are struggling to find work in this tough economy.

Manny Herrmann
Online Mobilization Coordinator, AFL- CIO

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A Lame and Spineless Duck?

By E.J. Dionne, Jr.
Washington Post: November 14, 2010

The lame-duck session of Congress that kicks off this week will test whether
Democrats have spines made of Play-Doh, and whether President Obama has
decided to pretend that capitulation is conciliation.

Congress faces an enormous amount of unfinished business, largely because of
successful GOP obstruction tactics during the regular session. Republican
senators who declare themselves moderate helped block action on important
bills, objecting either to provisions they didn't like or to Democratic
procedural maneuvers.

Thus did Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Scott Brown of
Massachusetts give themselves permission to fall in line behind their party's
leadership even as they continued to claim that they were really and truly

OK, let's test that. One of the bills blocked was the Disclose Act, designed
to end the scandal of secret money in election campaigns. If the contest we
just went through proves anything, it's that voters should have the right to
know which millionaires, corporations and special interests are flooding the
airwaves with attack ads on behalf of candidates who can blithely deny any
connection to the slander and any knowledge of who might be trying to buy

Shortly after the election, Michael Isikoff and Rich Gardella of NBC News
reported that one of the big Republican secret money groups, Crossroads GPS,
got "a substantial portion" of its money "from a small circle of extremely
wealthy Wall Street hedge fund and private equity moguls." These
contributors "have been bitterly opposed to a proposal by congressional
Democrats-and endorsed by the Obama administration-to increase the tax rates
on compensation that hedge funds pay their partners."

It shouldn't take investigative reporting after the fact for voters to learn
such things. Snowe, Collins and Brown all say they are for disclosure, as
does Mark Kirk, the new Republican senator from Illinois. The Senate
Democratic leadership should be eager to give them a chance to prove it by
bringing up the bill.

Another casualty in the regular session was legislation to end the military's
foolish "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Again, Collins is a key player. We
now have a court decision declaring the policy invalid and the military is
reportedly ready to declare that ending discrimination against gays would
not harm the armed forces. It's often said that the elected branches of
government, not the courts, should make decisions of this sort. Fine. Let
the Senate get it done.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid came out on top in a bruising re-election
campaign partly because of strong support from Latino voters. He promised to
bring up the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for
illegal immigrants who arrived here as children if they attend college or
join the military. Reid should keep his promise.

There are a slew of judicial nominations as well as several executive branch
appointments pending. The abuse of the confirmation process is another
longtime scandal. The Senate shouldn't leave town without getting these
appointees through.

An extension of unemployment insurance is set to expire at the end of this
month, at a moment when the unemployment rate is 9.6 percent. Will Congress
just go home without a thought to what the lives of these Americans will be
like during the coming holidays?

Which brings up the biggest scandal of all: Imagine a Congress still
controlled by Democrats passing an extension of the Bush tax cuts for
millionaires but leaving the unemployed out in the cold. If this happens,
laugh out loud the next time a Democrat claims to be on the side of working

Yet administration officials have been talking about capitulating to the
Republicans on the millionaire tax cuts without a word about the jobless, or
even about extending the president's own tax cuts geared toward the
non-privileged. And some Democratic senators just don't want to be bothered
with a long lame-duck session. They want to take care of the wealthy and not
do much more.

If the president caves in on the tax cuts, then his speeches of the last few
months were just empty talk. He'll be lending his hand to those who would
drive the car right back into that ditch he loved to talk about. And if
Democrats don't fight to turn the lame-duck session into a moment of action,
they will end a Congress of remarkable achievement not with a bang, but with
a craven whimper.

E.J. Dionne's e-mail address is ejdionne(at)washpost.com.

© 2010, Washington Post Writers Group

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