From: <NYCLAW>
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:50 PM
Subject: [NYCLAW] NYC Labor Against the War 10.6 Occupy Wall Street Report
To: LaborAgainstWar <>
NYC Labor Against the War
10.6 Occupy Wall Street Report

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"My name is X. I am Egyptian and American. What the Middle East has shown is that when people come together for one cause, they are able to have an impact and effect change. Part of the Arab revolution, with the youth, there was a great momentum of youth. I feel that has mobilized the world and brought globalization to a whole new world were ideals and values are starting to take over instead of corporations and other things. So, I feel that there is a transfer of energy, positive energy and I hope the momentum continues."
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OWS Live:
The Occupy Wall Street Press:
Friday, 10.7, 4 p.m.: Don't Occupy Haiti -- Occupy Wall Street
Friday, October 7, 6:00pm - 7:30pm: Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Rally at #OccupyWallStreet this Friday!
Friday, October 7: 6 PM: Labor Solidarity/Outreach Committee Meeting
UFT office, 52 Broadway, 2nd floor, room C 50.
Saturday, October 8, 3 PM: Democracy in the Park
Saturday, October 8 at 3:00pm, Washington Square Park.
Occupy Wall Street comes to Washington Square Park for a massive General Assembly. If you are one of the 99%, this is your meeting.
23 Arrested Wednesday in Wall St. Protest
When asked about the police's conduct on Thursday, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg allowed that he could not account for the actions of every single officer, but that by and large, the Police Department "conducted themselves the way they should."
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund: Survey - Brooklyn Bridge Class Action
Were you arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge on 10/1/2011? Sign up and join this historic class action lawsuit against Bloomberg, the City of NY and Ray Kelly!
You Should Be Here/Occupy The Hood
"You Should Be Here" :: Big Spive ft Rapheal Sadeeq. CraftWorks On The Video And Camera. Asking The Hood To get Involved With The Peaceful Movement ASAP!! ht...
Bronx Hip-Hop Duo Rebel Diaz, Live From Occupy Wall Street March
Rebel Diaz, a Chicago-born political hip-hop duo of community-renowned activists from the South Bronx, marched in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street yesterday. Democracy Now! caught a live performance of a new single about the protests as they marched in New York City's Financial District.
This Is Only Getting Bigger: 20,000 Rally in New York to Support Occupy Wall Street |
Despite another clash with police, the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to gain support as unions and community groups march in solidarity.
Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don't get it -
Like the spokesmen for Arab dictators feigning bewilderment over protesters' demands, mainstream television news reporters finally training their attention on the growing Occupy Wall Street protest movement seem determined to cast it as the random, silly blather of an ungrateful and lazy generation of weirdos. They couldn't be more wrong and, as time will tell, may eventually be forced to accept the inevitability of their own obsolescence.
Decrying Debt and Budget Cuts, Students Stage Walk-Out to Join Growing Occupy Wall Street Movement
According to the website, walkouts in support of Occupy Wall Street protests occurred at 75 schools across the nation yesterday, including many in NYC. Democracy Now! spoke with several students who walked out of classes at colleges around the city in order to attend the march.
"We Are the 99%": Voices From the Occupy Wall Street March
My name is X. I am Egyptian and American. What the Middle East has shown is that when people come together for one cause, they are able to have an impact and effect change. Part of the Arab revolution, with the youth, there was a great momentum of youth. I feel that has mobilized the world and brought globalization to a whole new world were ideals and values are starting to take over instead of corporations and other things. So, I feel that there is a transfer of energy, positive energy and I hope the momentum continues.
Abruptly Arrested, Briefly Detained, Irreversibly Inspired
When critics of Occupy Wall Street harp on the movement's refusal to name demands and conform to expectations, they miss the very thing that is making it grow and work: the creation of a protest community. What media reports have failed to convey thus far is that the actions at Liberty Square are building a spirit of collective solidarity and genuine community unlike anything seen in the US for decades.
Democrats May Find Occupy Movement Is Not That Into Them : Roll Call News
"It would be a 180-degree turn to raise money from a bunch of rich people and unions and channel that into the electoral process," Skomarovsky said. "That kind of process can get a Barack Obama to the White House, but it's not going to really challenge the power of Wall Street."
Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05
Jon Stewart compares coverage of 'Occupy Wall Street' and the tea party | The Raw Story
Israeli Apartheid in the Occupation Movement?: Jews For The 'Occupation' | The Jewish Week
The Jewish Labor Committee is reaching out to its allies in synagogues to urge them to participate as well, and is encouraging its members and supporters to participate in the related rallies that are sprouting in cities like Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Sieradski, a self-described "cause media entrepreneur," told The Jewish Week he has seen some placards at Occupy Wall Street that are critical of Israel, and was attacked online when he said the protest should focus on domestic issues.
Local police forces are now little armies. Why?
Compared to the Vietnam war era, Quigley said, police around the country use more intimidating tactics these days, which likely discourages or scares off some people who might otherwise want to participate in protests. During the Vietnam war, he said, there was "pushback" – often violent – by police at demonstrations, but the police then were not decked out in full-blown military regalia and carrying the often heavy weaponry that can be the case today.
Wall Street's first victims
Protesters today across the U.S. as part of the Occupy Movement need to understand that what is happening right now with Wall Street is nothing new and is at the very core of the foundation of this country. Whether it was the genocide of the American Indian or the enslavement of African Americans, this was how the market worked.
Anti-Wall Street protesters gain support nationwide
Support for the New York-based Occupy Wall Street has gained momentum.
Daily Kos: Occupy Wall Street: List and map of over 200 U.S. solidarity events and Facebook pages
Please, find one near you and sign up. Many of these events have already begun. Others are in the planning stage. In the unlikely even that there is no event near you, please start one.
Occupy Together Meetups Everywhere
This is OCCUPY TOGETHER's hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St. See what's going on in your community or get something started!
Watch Live | O C C U P Y B M O R E
Day 2: This website was hastily thrown together (about 6 of the past 24 hours), and needs to be properly tested before being released in full. What you see is what is ready. We plan on opening access up to everyone soon (our goal is Thursday). Thanks.
SFPD raids OccupySF camp, seizes gear, but protesters remain | San Francisco Bay Guardian
Last night, San Francisco Police officers showed up at Occupy San Francisco for the first hostile altercation that the SF movement has had with cops so far, and among the first police crackdowns on the larger Occupy Wall Street movement.
Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles
Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles on Livestream. Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team is made of local supports who were inspired by the movement my NYC's Occupy Wall Street.
GREECE: Clashes mar strike in Athens
Thousands of protesters spilled into the streets of Athens on Wednesday, beating drums, blowing whistles and chanting "Thieves, robbers and crooks!" as a 24-hour strike brought Greece to a standstill.
Air traffic controller strike in Egypt a window into unrest that is crippling economy
CAIRO — A work slowdown by air traffic controllers delayed scores of flights Thursday and left passengers stranded for many hours in Cairo's international airport, wreaking havoc in the latest example of cascading labor unrest that officials and analysts say is devastating Egypt's economy.
Palestine: Arab-Israeli towns go on strike over plans to confiscate their land
Arab-Israeli MP Jamal Zahalka said they were united against the proposal. "We want to send a very clear message to the Israeli government – we are saying no. This demonstration proves that Israel's plans will be thwarted. Nobody here today will co-operate with them." He added that the protesters would not allow another Nakba, the Palestinian term for the events of 1948, in which hundreds of thousands became refugees.
Afghans protest in run-up to war anniversary
Hundreds of Afghans have marched through the capital, Kabul, on the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, condemning the US as occupiers and demanding the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops.
Talks over Chile student strikes break down
"It seems important for us to get this off the table and transfer to citizens the responsibility for solving this conflict," Alfredo Vielma, a secondary student leader at the talks, said.
UK Uncut
Almost 3000 people now attending Block the Bridge, Block the Bill this Sunday! Sign up, get on a coach (, read the legal tips ( and if you can, donate a few quid to help us transform Westminster Bridge ( We will not let a coalition of millionaire politicians and private health lobbyists destroy our NHS.
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:50 PM
Subject: [NYCLAW] NYC Labor Against the War 10.6 Occupy Wall Street Report
To: LaborAgainstWar <>
NYC Labor Against the War10.6 Occupy Wall Street Report

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"My name is X. I am Egyptian and American. What the Middle East has shown is that when people come together for one cause, they are able to have an impact and effect change. Part of the Arab revolution, with the youth, there was a great momentum of youth. I feel that has mobilized the world and brought globalization to a whole new world were ideals and values are starting to take over instead of corporations and other things. So, I feel that there is a transfer of energy, positive energy and I hope the momentum continues."
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OWS Live:
The Occupy Wall Street Press:
Friday, 10.7, 4 p.m.: Don't Occupy Haiti -- Occupy Wall Street
Friday, October 7, 6:00pm - 7:30pm: Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Rally at #OccupyWallStreet this Friday!
Friday, October 7: 6 PM: Labor Solidarity/Outreach Committee Meeting
UFT office, 52 Broadway, 2nd floor, room C 50.
Saturday, October 8, 3 PM: Democracy in the Park
Saturday, October 8 at 3:00pm, Washington Square Park.
Occupy Wall Street comes to Washington Square Park for a massive General Assembly. If you are one of the 99%, this is your meeting.
23 Arrested Wednesday in Wall St. Protest
When asked about the police's conduct on Thursday, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg allowed that he could not account for the actions of every single officer, but that by and large, the Police Department "conducted themselves the way they should."
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund: Survey - Brooklyn Bridge Class Action
Were you arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge on 10/1/2011? Sign up and join this historic class action lawsuit against Bloomberg, the City of NY and Ray Kelly!
You Should Be Here/Occupy The Hood
"You Should Be Here" :: Big Spive ft Rapheal Sadeeq. CraftWorks On The Video And Camera. Asking The Hood To get Involved With The Peaceful Movement ASAP!! ht...
Bronx Hip-Hop Duo Rebel Diaz, Live From Occupy Wall Street March
Rebel Diaz, a Chicago-born political hip-hop duo of community-renowned activists from the South Bronx, marched in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street yesterday. Democracy Now! caught a live performance of a new single about the protests as they marched in New York City's Financial District.
This Is Only Getting Bigger: 20,000 Rally in New York to Support Occupy Wall Street |
Despite another clash with police, the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to gain support as unions and community groups march in solidarity.
Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don't get it -
Like the spokesmen for Arab dictators feigning bewilderment over protesters' demands, mainstream television news reporters finally training their attention on the growing Occupy Wall Street protest movement seem determined to cast it as the random, silly blather of an ungrateful and lazy generation of weirdos. They couldn't be more wrong and, as time will tell, may eventually be forced to accept the inevitability of their own obsolescence.
Decrying Debt and Budget Cuts, Students Stage Walk-Out to Join Growing Occupy Wall Street Movement
According to the website, walkouts in support of Occupy Wall Street protests occurred at 75 schools across the nation yesterday, including many in NYC. Democracy Now! spoke with several students who walked out of classes at colleges around the city in order to attend the march.
"We Are the 99%": Voices From the Occupy Wall Street March
My name is X. I am Egyptian and American. What the Middle East has shown is that when people come together for one cause, they are able to have an impact and effect change. Part of the Arab revolution, with the youth, there was a great momentum of youth. I feel that has mobilized the world and brought globalization to a whole new world were ideals and values are starting to take over instead of corporations and other things. So, I feel that there is a transfer of energy, positive energy and I hope the momentum continues.
Abruptly Arrested, Briefly Detained, Irreversibly Inspired
When critics of Occupy Wall Street harp on the movement's refusal to name demands and conform to expectations, they miss the very thing that is making it grow and work: the creation of a protest community. What media reports have failed to convey thus far is that the actions at Liberty Square are building a spirit of collective solidarity and genuine community unlike anything seen in the US for decades.
Democrats May Find Occupy Movement Is Not That Into Them : Roll Call News
"It would be a 180-degree turn to raise money from a bunch of rich people and unions and channel that into the electoral process," Skomarovsky said. "That kind of process can get a Barack Obama to the White House, but it's not going to really challenge the power of Wall Street."
Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05
Jon Stewart compares coverage of 'Occupy Wall Street' and the tea party | The Raw Story
Israeli Apartheid in the Occupation Movement?: Jews For The 'Occupation' | The Jewish Week
The Jewish Labor Committee is reaching out to its allies in synagogues to urge them to participate as well, and is encouraging its members and supporters to participate in the related rallies that are sprouting in cities like Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Sieradski, a self-described "cause media entrepreneur," told The Jewish Week he has seen some placards at Occupy Wall Street that are critical of Israel, and was attacked online when he said the protest should focus on domestic issues.
Local police forces are now little armies. Why?
Compared to the Vietnam war era, Quigley said, police around the country use more intimidating tactics these days, which likely discourages or scares off some people who might otherwise want to participate in protests. During the Vietnam war, he said, there was "pushback" – often violent – by police at demonstrations, but the police then were not decked out in full-blown military regalia and carrying the often heavy weaponry that can be the case today.
Wall Street's first victims
Protesters today across the U.S. as part of the Occupy Movement need to understand that what is happening right now with Wall Street is nothing new and is at the very core of the foundation of this country. Whether it was the genocide of the American Indian or the enslavement of African Americans, this was how the market worked.
Anti-Wall Street protesters gain support nationwide
Support for the New York-based Occupy Wall Street has gained momentum.
Daily Kos: Occupy Wall Street: List and map of over 200 U.S. solidarity events and Facebook pages
Please, find one near you and sign up. Many of these events have already begun. Others are in the planning stage. In the unlikely even that there is no event near you, please start one.
Occupy Together Meetups Everywhere
This is OCCUPY TOGETHER's hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St. See what's going on in your community or get something started!
Watch Live | O C C U P Y B M O R E
Day 2: This website was hastily thrown together (about 6 of the past 24 hours), and needs to be properly tested before being released in full. What you see is what is ready. We plan on opening access up to everyone soon (our goal is Thursday). Thanks.
SFPD raids OccupySF camp, seizes gear, but protesters remain | San Francisco Bay Guardian
Last night, San Francisco Police officers showed up at Occupy San Francisco for the first hostile altercation that the SF movement has had with cops so far, and among the first police crackdowns on the larger Occupy Wall Street movement.
Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles
Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles on Livestream. Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team is made of local supports who were inspired by the movement my NYC's Occupy Wall Street.
GREECE: Clashes mar strike in Athens
Thousands of protesters spilled into the streets of Athens on Wednesday, beating drums, blowing whistles and chanting "Thieves, robbers and crooks!" as a 24-hour strike brought Greece to a standstill.
Air traffic controller strike in Egypt a window into unrest that is crippling economy
CAIRO — A work slowdown by air traffic controllers delayed scores of flights Thursday and left passengers stranded for many hours in Cairo's international airport, wreaking havoc in the latest example of cascading labor unrest that officials and analysts say is devastating Egypt's economy.
Palestine: Arab-Israeli towns go on strike over plans to confiscate their land
Arab-Israeli MP Jamal Zahalka said they were united against the proposal. "We want to send a very clear message to the Israeli government – we are saying no. This demonstration proves that Israel's plans will be thwarted. Nobody here today will co-operate with them." He added that the protesters would not allow another Nakba, the Palestinian term for the events of 1948, in which hundreds of thousands became refugees.
Afghans protest in run-up to war anniversary
Hundreds of Afghans have marched through the capital, Kabul, on the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, condemning the US as occupiers and demanding the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops.
Talks over Chile student strikes break down
"It seems important for us to get this off the table and transfer to citizens the responsibility for solving this conflict," Alfredo Vielma, a secondary student leader at the talks, said.
UK Uncut
Almost 3000 people now attending Block the Bridge, Block the Bill this Sunday! Sign up, get on a coach (, read the legal tips ( and if you can, donate a few quid to help us transform Westminster Bridge ( We will not let a coalition of millionaire politicians and private health lobbyists destroy our NHS.
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