Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:01 AM
To: WIB-LA submit; LA Jews Peace GoogleGroups send; LAJews-Letters
Subject: #-266 THIS SUNDAY, Platkin and Winograd at Levantine, Dec. 11
WHEN: Sunday, December 11, 1 PM
WHERE: Levantine Cultural Center: 5998 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles 310.657.5511 (between Fairfax and La Cienega; park on the street or under the CVS pharmacy across Pico).
The crackdown on many of the Occupy encampments throughout the United States, including Los Angeles, indicates that this protest movement is at a crossroads. Will it grow by improving its analysis and expanding its reach beyond the encampments, or will it stagnate in response to attacks?
Some of the critical questions are:
· How does the high price of US militarism and wars result in domestic cutbacks and inequality?
· How can a sharp critique of US foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, be integrated with Occupy's focus on domestic inequality in wealth and income?
· What specific actions, such as calls for public employee pension funds to engage in socially responsible investment, can better link domestic and foreign policy issues?
$10 donation at door; no one turned away
This talk is part of the Progressive Conversations on Israel/Palestine and US Foreign Policy in the Middle East, a monthly speakers series presented by LA Jews for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace-Los Angeles, and Friends of Sabeel, in association with Levantine Cultural Center.
Jeff Warner
LA Jews for Peace
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Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 9:29 AM
To: Ed Pearl
Subject: Fwd: Art Young
Ed, thought you would enjoy and possibly be able to post some of these Art Young prophetic political cartoons.
Thanks for the RAT BALL pix!
Here's some ART YOUNG (1866-1943)

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