Hi. David is here responding to someone on one of his several lists; expanding well, on my own views of Paul 's campaign. -Ed
-----Original Message-----
From: David McReynolds [mailto:dmcreynolds@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:43 PM
To: Peace Geezers
Subject: Ron Paul is a welfare queen par excellence
I don't have a lot of time (or patience) for this.
Briefly, to sum up to date:
I belong to the Socialist Party. I will support Stewart Alexander, our candidate. I do understand the Libertarians, much better than you seem to, or a number of other liberals and left-wing good folks who, once they find that Ron Paul doesn't fit their politically correct image of the world, decide he is a fascist.
Let's me clear. I do not support his NRA positions. I am for gun control. I do not approve of his position on AIDS (which is due in part to his age - younger people lost whole phonebooks of friends - older people, particularly if they are not gay, didn't feel touched by this). I strongly support the needed federal laws to protect the voting rights of minorities. One reason I am a socialist and not a libertarian. I support social security, socialized medicine, a higher minimum wage and, yes, socialism!
But it is bluntly nuts - no better word - to accuse Ron Paul of being anti-gay. The Libertarians (including two friends on my GLBT list) have long welcomed gays. It is worse that nuts to accuse Ron Paul of anti- Semitism. It turns out (and I've checked the "sources" that rabid anti-Paul folks sent me) that his "anti-Semitism" amounts to his being critical of Israel and favoring cutting off aid to it.
I am among those who strongly favor ending all aid to Israel - and am part of a growing movement, led by comrades within the Jewish community.
What caused the real "panic" about Ron Paul? Why did the mainstream media (except, God bless him, for Jon Stewart) ignore Ron Paul until very recently? It was because he put himself firmly outside the garrison state to which liberals and conservatives both pledge allegiance - the armed might of America, willing and eager to go to war across the world in defense of corporate interests, and to provide, in the process, billions of taxpayer dollars to the corporate arms folks.
Why did Newt Gingrich say he wouldn't vote for Ron Paul if he won the nomination? Do you think it was because of Paul's conservative positions on gun control, abortion, etc.?
No - it was Ron Paul's peace position and - of great importance - the clear break with the "security state" nonsense we have bought into, the Patriot Act, the various attacks on our constitutional rights. Things that Obama supports.
Again, I ain't voting for Ron Paul, but I thank God there is at least one voice of reason in the GOP primary - it helps those of us who want to "rethink" the domestic and foreign policies of this country.
David McReynolds
(I am reminded of how nuts some of the left can be - I remember way back in 1952 when the Communist Party line was that if Eisenhower got elected we would have a military dictatorship - and I.F. Stone dared to suggest that wouldn't happen).
From: Larry Gross, Coalition for Economic Survival [mailto:larry@cesinaction.ccsend.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012To:
Subject: Tenant Victories & Abuses - CES Ends Year With Bang, Bring on 2012 - More Victories to be Won
| Coalition for Economic Survival CES ORGANIZING TIMES ONLINE | | | An occasional email newsletter reporting on the activities of the Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) HAPPY and HEALTHY 2012! | CES Ended 2011 With a Bang. Bring on 2012! New Victories to Be Won! In the final weeks of 2011, CES experienced much activities and accomplishments. Laws were won, tenants' rights abuses were confronted and CES media attention was high. Following are some examples:
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| CES Applauds LA City Council's Extention of Eviction Protections For Foreclosed Properties
On December 6, 2011, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted to extend the City's Foreclosure Eviction Ordinance protecting tenants living in units not subject to the City's Rent Stabilization Ordinance. |
|  | Determined Tenants Fight Landlord Scheme | CES Fights New Landlord Scheme Demanding Online Rent Payment CES organized tenants to fight an outrageous new scheme by a landlord to force its tenants to only pay their rent online. The landlord, Jones and Jones, owns over 30 apartment buildings in Los Angeles. | |
|  | (left to right): Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO Executive Secretary-Treasurer Maria Elena Durazo, Coalition for Economic Survival Executive Director Larry Gross, Mimi Strauss, Cindy Vivar, Coalition for Economic Survival Lead Organizer Carlos Aguilar, UFCW Local 660 President Rick Icaza, Coalition for Economic Survival Affordable Housing Tenant Organizer Joel Montano, Carla Osorio, UFCW Local 660 Director of Organizing/Vice President Rigo Valdez | CES Recognized for Support in Grocery Workers' Victory United Food & Commercial Workers Local 770 Celebrated the victory in reaching a 3-year labor contract with Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons, averting a grocery strike that would have idled more than 54,000 workers across Southern California at an event held at the Sheraton Universal City Hotel on December 6, 2011 honoring Local 770's community partners that helped obtain this victory. Now, Food4Less workers are ready to strike unless Food4Less proposes a similar fair wage and benefit package. Currently, the wage disparity between Kroger-owned Food4Less and Ralphs can be as much as $3 per hour.
Food4Less has deliberately stalled talks as part of an overall strategy designed to weaken union resolve. UFCW members at Ralphs stuck together and ended up with a contract that shows them respect. Food4less members are going to do the same.
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| CES Featured on WBAI Radio 99.5 FM in New York City!
On December 26, 2011, Scott Sommer celebrated the 27th anniversary of his hosting Housing Notebook on New York's WBAI by interviewing Coalition for Economic Survival Executive Director Larry Gross on the latest West Coast landlord shenanigans and tenants' rights victories.
| | CES in the News | CES in the News In the last two months of 2011 CES has received much attention in the news. Here's some examples:
November 30, 2011
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| Find Out Your About Your Renters' Rights Tenants are welcome to come to CES' Tenants' Rights Clinic held every Wednesday evening at 7 pm and Saturday morning at 10 am in the Senior Center located in the Community Building in Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Bl, West Hollywood (just west of La Brea, between Vista St. and Fuller St. at Martel Ave. ). Tenants are assisted on a one-to-one basis by one of our experienced and knowledgeable volunteer attorneys and counselors. No appointment needed. First come, first serve.
Find Out More Details Here |
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| Get up to the minute news, analysis, information on events and reports on actions by subscribing to "Organizing Times," a Blog related to CES activities and more...... Click Here | | CES is on Facebook
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| | | Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) 514 Shatto Place, Suite 270 Los Angeles, California 90020 Ph: (213) 252-4411 Email: contact@earthlink.net Web Siwww.CESinAction.org
Support CES' Work by Joining or Making a Donation

| | | Support CES' Work When You Shop for Your Groceries Sign Up for Ralphs/Food-4-Less Community Contribution Program: |  Supporting CES' work couldn't be easier: through the Ralphs/Food-4-Less Community Contribution Program, each time you use your Ralphs or Food-4-Less Rewards Card, a portion of your total purchase is donated to support CES' work. This donation does not take away from your individual rewards earning. Registering is quick, easy, and free. Contact CES at (213) 252-4411 or contactces@earthlink.net and we will explain how to register to support CES' work while you shop. | | |
Coalition for Economic Survival | 514 Shatto Place, Suite 270 | Los Angeles | CA | 90020 |
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