Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 5:59 AM
The False Paradigm of Parity and Partition: Revisiting 1967
A lecture by Ilan Pappé, University of Exeter
The talk will focus on Israeli policy before and after the June 1967 war. Two theses will be argued by revisiting the 1967 events: first, Israeli policies of 1967 can only be understood within the context of the overall Israeli strategy in 1948 and after. This means that the war of 1967 was a direct continuation of the 1948 Nakbah and not a separate event. The second argument will be that Israeli strategy, including the device of what was later named as the "peace process," was already formulated in 1967 and has not changed since that year and even until today. This strategy, it will be argued in the talk, is the main obstacle to peace in Israel and Palestine.
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Depressed by the candidates for Congress in your district? Dear Ed , Click here to unsubscribe and stop ALL email from RootsAction. To modify your email communication preferences or update your personal profile, visit your subscription management page at:
Here are three candidates that could use your help and have both spine and heart. Share this action on Facebook
Lets face it: U.S. elections often pit heartless Republicans against spineless Democrats.
But there are rare candidates of exceptional courage and compassion who can be counted on to fight alongside RootsAction activists for a fair economy, environmental sanity, civil liberties. . . and against a military machine that is draining our society while creating ever more enemies overseas.
Today we want to tell you about three outstanding candidates for Congress. NORMAN SOLOMON: Running in a new district (no incumbent) on California's progressive North Coast, Norman doesn't just support the RootsAction agenda, he cofounded RootsAction. A lifelong activist and author for peace and justice, he will hit the ground running on these issues in D.C.
Norman has built one of the strongest grassroots campaigns ever. He can win this seat and become "America's Congress member." He's endorsed by labor unions, peace groups and advocates like Dan Ellsberg, Dolores Huerta, Jim Hightower, Phil Donahue and Rep. Raul Grijalva.
You can help Norman by donating to his campaign; his opponents include a couple of corporate-connected Democrats while Norman refuses corporate money.
And you can VOTE for him in the "Grassroots All-Stars" online straw poll (it takes 5 seconds) which will give Norman access to additional grassroots $$ and volunteers.
As Barbara Ehrenreich commented in her endorsement: "We need independent progressive Democrats like Norman Solomon in Congress, not business-as-usual Democrats." Check out Norman's website.DENNIS KUCINICH: On issue after issue, Dennis has stood up bravely and often alone in the U.S. Congress from working to impeach Bush & Cheney to cutting funds for endless war.
Incumbents often don't need much grassroots support, but GOP redistricting has thrown two Democratic incumbents into one district. The other Democrat gets donations from war contractors like General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin.
That's why an antiwar stalwart like Dennis Kucinich needs donations and activist support now.
In endorsing Dennis recently, Rep. Barney Frank touted the work he and Dennis have done together on behalf of "substantially reducing America's military activity across the world."
Former Congress member Alan Grayson said it best: "Congress is full of replaceable parts. But Dennis Kucinich is not one of them. Dennis is unique." Check out the Kucinich website.BARBARA LEE: Although she faces no risk of defeat in her Oakland-Berkeley, CA district, we wanted to give a shout out to this unbending voice for peace and justice on Capitol Hill. Barbara stood alone in Congress in 2001 against giving President Bush carte blanche to wage war anywhere in the wake of 9/11; she is a hero in the powerful War Made Easy documentary based on Norman Solomon's book.
Follow Barbara Lee's leadership efforts in Congress here.
So even if you're disappointed in the candidates and choices on your ballot, here are opportunities for us to band together to help three candidates we can be proud of . . . candidates with spine.
Please forward this email far and wide.
Aimee, David, Sarah
and the RootsAction team
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