MAY 1 GENERAL STRIKE and other events:
6:00 AM SEIU-USWW strike action at LAX
7:00 Occ Pas rally at Lake Avenue overpass to the 210, followed by a march to the Lake and Colorado bank cluster.
8:00 AM Occupy SFV/OLA "North Wind" march from 7915 Van Nuys Bl., Van Nuys/Panorama City: Hermandad
Mexicana to Van Nuys Civic Ctr. 9:30 Town Hall at Rep. Berman's office. 11:00 G.A. VN Civic Ctr
9:00 AM Rise Up LA youth march from Florence and Normandie to Central Ave., joins South Wind (below)
9:30 AM Let Them Eat Cupcakes meets in Beverly Gardens Park on Santa Monica and Rodeo
10:00 AM People's Power '4 Winds' Car/Bike Caravans and convergence:
South Wind from CSU Dominguez Hills, N. on Central Ave. to MLK, W. on MLK to Figueroa, N. on Figueroa to Washington.
Park and march to Staples, convergence at 6th and Main
Rallies at Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center, 11:00 AM Central & 108th
Ted Watkins Park, Century-103rd & Central 11:30
41st & Central: Honor survivors from Black Panther Party and memory of Somayah and Geronimo 12-12:30
Take MLK to Figueroa & proceed north past Exposition Park, USC to Washington/Figueroa
2:00 Park in vicinity of LA Trade Tech, march north on Fig to Staples, east on 11th to Main/convergence
(SEIU LAX action and Rise Up LA youth march will converge with this wind)
West Wind from Ocean & Wilshire Santa Monica, e. on Wilshire (joined by Topanga Peace Alliance from Pine Circle)
Rallies at Veterans Administration Federal & Wilshire by Vets for Peace start 10, join at 11:00,
Flash occupation "Let them Eat Cupcakes" Rodeo Drive & Wilshire, BH, 11:00-noon, joins caravan
B of A protest by Queer Affinity Group, Occ Fights Foreclosures Wilshire & LaBrea, starts 11:30, joins 12:30
1:30-2:00 pm Park near MacArthur Park and march on 6th St. to downtown convergence at 6th & Main.
Feeders join this wind from LACC, Skylight Books (Los Feliz area).
East Wind starts 10:00am- Carl's Junior, 1231 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Monterey Park, CA Steven Rodriguez memorial
10:50 March to Belvedere Park, leave on caravan at 11:30
Education as a Human Right Rally at Obregon Park- Michigan Ave and Gifford St. at noon
1:00pm Health care as a Human Right Rally at Mariachi Plaza 1831 E. 1st St Boyle Heights. Take Gold Line.
2:00 meet up with OSFV, north wind at Plaza Olvera, march to convergence at 6th & Main.
10:30 Occ Pas meets at Orange Grove Friends Mtg House, carpools to the American Reclamation recycling facility.
11:00 AM noon, SEIU-USWW labor solidarity rally at LAX civil disobedience planned (Tom Bradley, Century Bl)
11:00 AM, County Fed. Of Labor, Teamster action at American Recycling 4560 Doran Street, LA (near LA Zoo).
"No Somos Basura" OLA, OSFV, Occ Pasadena will send people here
11:30 Queer Affinity Group, Occupy Fights Foreclosures launch demo at B of A, Wilshire & LaBrea
12 noon Central Convergence sets up at 6th & Main downtown, welcome table and wellness tents, etc.
1:00 PM Official Start time for May 1 Coalition (Full Rights for Immigrants, CHIRLA, MIWON, etc.) immigration
reform march from Olympic & Broadway
2:00 PM marches north to Broadway and 1st St., rallies, then returns s. on Hill to Pershing Square, c. 4 PM
2:00 PM Central American contingent starts to gather in MacArthur Park, marches 3:30 to Pershing Square
2:30 OccLA Four Winds Peoples Power caravans converge at 6th & Main; financial district protest.
4:00 PM (or earlier) 99% Table begins rally in Pershing Square with music, speakers.
4:00 Southern CA Immigration Coalition Immigrant Rights March, Olympic & Broadway (OLA joins this)
March up Broadway to Bway and 1st St. OLA will head to Pershing Square (6 PM, via Broadway, 5th St).
6:00 PM possible "Justice for Janitors" SEIU-USWW strike. If so, OLA will help solidify picket lines.
7:30 PM Bilingual Spanish-English General Assembly @ Pershing Sq. to discuss international solidarity, "Next Steps"
* * *
Please read the bill before decision about going. $75 General Admission is a lot, but would not be
uncommon for a Jackson Browne solo or several of the many artists performing, let alone the cause.
Buy your tickets now! Post-Fund Drive Ticket Special Post Drive Special Pair of VIP Tickets - $300 Includes VIP reception, Gil Scott-Heron book, gift bag, meet and greet and free parking (Regular price $200.00 each) Single VIP Ticket $200 Single Preferred Ticket $100 General Admission Ticket $75 All ticket sales benefit the forwarding of the Hero Awards and Tribute as an annual fundraiser for KPFK 90.7 FM |
Making Moves for Heroes: KPFK Moves the 2nd Annual Hero Awards to Club Nokia! Sunday, May 6th, 2012 at Club Nokia, 800 West Olympic Blvd, and 3rd floor at the fabulous L.A. Live.
North Hollywood - KPFK 90.7 announces its honorees for the 2nd Annual Hero Awards and Tribute. The Hero Awards is a benefit series for the Los Angeles-based Pacifica Radio station. The event honors icons of our time that have left an impact on music and community. This year’s honoree is musician and political poet Gil Scott-Heron, with special awards to jazz bassist and activist Charlie Haden, music educator Fernando Pullum; and a Lifetime Achievement Award to Pete Seeger, American folk singer and activist. The 2nd Annual KPFK Hero Awards and Tribute will take place Sunday, May 6th, 2012 at Club Nokia, 800 West Olympic Blvd, and 3rd floor at the fabulous L.A. Live.
The event starts with a VIP reception and silent auction from 5 to 7 pm. The show starts at 8 pm with a line-up that will feature a host of prolific and poetic artists. The confirmed list of performers and guest speakers include Jackson Browne, John Densmore (The Doors), Lili Haydn, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Nailah Porter, , Rock DJ Jim Ladd, Josh Haden with Spain, John Trudell, The Haden Triplets and Jack Black with a special youth performance by the 32nd Street Jazz Band. Richard Montoya of Culture Clash, LeRoy Downs and Roger Guenveur Smith are our hosts for the evening. Brian Jackson, long-time collaborator with Gil Scott-Heron, will be on deck as Music Director. Other invited guests include Ozomatli, Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Slash, John Fogerty, Woody Harrelson, Ravi Coltrane and Flying Lotus.
The KPFK Hero Awards and Tribute launched May 1, 2011, honoring Jazz legend Billy Higgins. The idea for the series was the result of an inspiration from KPFK Music Director Maggie LePique. She wanted to honor music icons that had an outstanding commitment to music. LePique thought it would be relevant for KPFK 90.7 to mark the upcoming 10th anniversary of Higgins’ death by celebrating his life and body of work. She enlisted Kasey Lovelace, Music Consultant and friend of the Higgins family to develop the idea into a full-scale event. Catalina Popescu, owner of Catalina Bar and Grill, honored her long friendship with LePique and Higgins by donating her world-renowned venue for the tribute by Higgins’ esteemed contemporaries Stanley Clarke, Charles Lloyd, George Duke, Kenny Burrell, with Music Director John Beasley, among others who performed to a “standing room only” audience. The demand from both the music and public affairs community has prompted the station to continue this event as an annual award series.
KPFK 90.7 FM is a member station of the Pacifica Radio network and the Pacifica Foundation, which consists of five radio stations, over 100 affiliate stations, and the Pacifica Radio Archives, responsible for preserving the voices of artists, activists and progressive journalists since 1949, when the foundation was established by peace activist Lewis Hill. To further peace through broadcasting activities, Hill determined that radio sponsored by individual listeners would be the best way to ensure editorial freedom. The KPFK Hero Awards and Tribute is a means to both raise funds and advance the Pacifica Mission. For updates on the 2nd Annual Hero Awards and Tribute log onto Follow us on Twitter: @KPFKHero For general information contact KPFK 90.7 Radio at (818) 985-2711 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (818) 985-2711 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext. 361 Email: "Like" us on Facebook

May Day at Skylight Books
May 1, 2012; 7:30 PM
With Labor Troubadour Ross Altman

May Day is the international worker’s holiday, dating back to 1886 and the Haymarket Square strike in Chicago. This May Day, May 1, 2012 Skylight Books welcomes LA labor troubadour Ross Altman to lead a program of sing along labor songs, with a little history behind the songs, for those who want to carry on the tradition of Joe Hill, the IWW and Woody Guthrie—now in his Centennial year.
Ross will tell the story of how May Day came to be and teach some of the classic labor songs going back to coal miner struggles in Harlan County, Kentucky and West Virginia, auto workers in Flint, Michigan, mill workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts that gave rise to the Bread and Roses strike of 1912, now in its Centennial, and the Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union.
The anthem of American labor, Solidarity Forever, by Wobbly Ralph Chaplin, went on to inspire Lech Walesa in the Gdansk Shipyard Workers’ strike of 1989, who took Solidarity as their union’s name.
The Internationale, associated exclusively with the USSR, got its start in the Paris Commune and was sung on the green in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912, five years before the Soviet Union was founded. It was translated into English by the IWW and was an American labor song long before it made its way to the USSR.
Celebrate May Day with Occupy LA and friends for a rousing evening of song and story that brought the American labor movement to a world audience. Joe Hill, “the man who never died” still inspires working people today and his songs are still fun to sing, 97 years after he was framed for murder and executed by the state of Utah.
Come out to Skylight Books and Ross Altman will have you singing these picket line classics in no time at all.
Ross is a member of Local 47 of the Professional Musicians’ Union—AFL-CIO and writes for FolkWorks ( He recently performed in the Grammy Museum tribute to the legendary Ash Grove folk music club.
Skylight Books
1818 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
7:30 PM
(323) 660-1175