From: Julie M. Thompson []
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:39 PM
Subject: Last Interview with Peter Douglas
Dear Friends of the Activist Video Archive:
Today, we are posting a new interview with environmental activist Peter Douglas. The link for the interview is below. We hope you enjoy it and are moved by it as we were.
If you’ve been following the news, you will know that Peter, the former Executive Director of the Coastal Commission, died last week. We were very lucky to speak with him on camera for several hours just about a month ago. It was extremely generous of him to make our project a priority, given his vulnerable health.
In an op-ed piece over the last weekend, he was referred to as “The Savior of the Coast,” a headline that I suspect would make him uncomfortable. In his obituary, the LA TIMES claimed that only Father Junipero Serra, who built the California Missions, had as much influence on the the Coastline of California.
However one frames Peter’s influence, no one can drive up the Coast of California, from San Diego to Crescent City, without benefitting from his activist work on behalf of the Golden State in the open land, vistas, beaches, and public access.
Please forward this email to anyone who would appreciate it. Thanks for helping circulate this last interview with Peter.
It unfortunately underscores the alacrity with which we must continue pursuing these oral histories.
All the best,
Julie M. Thompson
Brogan de Paor
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From: Portside Moderator [
mailto:moderator@PORTSIDE.ORG] Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:22 AM
LGBT Groups Issue Joint Trayvon Martin Statement
Several national LGBT groups issued a joint
statement on the Trayvon Martin case yesterday
April 3, 2012 An Open Letter: Standing Alongside Trayvon Martin's Family and Friends
The tragic killing of Trayvon Martin is a national call to action. Our hearts go out to Trayvon's family and friends for the loss they have experienced. We stand in solidarity with them as they demand answers and justice. We represent organizations with diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender constituencies.
Many in our community have been targets of bigotry and bias. We have a great deal of experience grappling with the role bias plays in violent crimes against our communities. We well know the stories of young people targeted for violence just because of who they are:
Rashawn Brazell, Lawrence King, Ali Forney, Deoni Jones, Brandon White, Matthew Shepard, Angie Zapata, Sean Kennedy and countless others.
Trayvon's killing is a wakeup call to the enduring cancer of racism and racial profiling. The pain his family continues to endure transcends communities and unites us all. Every person, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, must be able to walk the streets without fear for their safety.
Trayvon's killing is tragic and the stark reality that racial bias played a role in his death has alarmed our nation. Questions must be asked. Answers must be sought. And justice must be served. We join our voices to the chorus of so many others to demand that local and federal authorities find those answers. We stand in solidarity with Trayvon's family and friends as they seek justice for his killing. In the timeless words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
The letter was signed by
CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers
Equality Federation
Family Equality Council
Freedom to Marry
Human Rights Campaign
Immigration EqualityInternational Federation of
Black Prides
Lambda Legal
LGBT Progress at the Center for American Progress
National Black Justice Coalition
National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)
National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
National Coalition for LGBT Health
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Stonewall Democrats
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates
PFLAG National
Pride at Work
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)
The Trevor Project
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From: Natasha Minsker, <>
To: bonnie8888 <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 11, 2012 8:33 pm
Subject: BREAKING: CT ends death penalty
 | | Dear Bonnie, This just in: The state of Connecticut has replaced its death penalty with life without parole! Just moments ago, the Connecticut House of Representatives voted to approve a bill that effectively makes Connecticut the 17th state to replace the death penalty. Governor Dannel Malloy has already pledged to sign the bill into law. This is great news for the people of Connecticut. They’ve plugged a major drain on state resources and have freed up funding for effective public safety solutions. But the impact of Connecticut’s decision will be felt far beyond the state’s own borders. Connecticut is now the fifth state to replace the death penalty in five years -- and with your help, we can add California to that list! Connecticut’s estimated $5 million in annual death penalty costs pale in comparison to California’s $184 million per year. Spending on the death penalty for the entire state of Connecticut comes to about 3% of what we spend in California in just one year. With more than 700 prisoners on death row, California has the largest and costliest death penalty system in the country. Like Connecticut, when we replace the death penalty in California, the impact will be felt far and wide. Plus, we will save $1 billion that we are on track to spend on this failed system over the next five years. California’s resources would be better spent on education solutions and better crime-fighting technology -- but we need your support, today, to make that happen. No matter where, the death penalty system is costly, harms public safety, and always carries the risk of executing an innocent person. Connecticut has learned that lesson. After spending $4 billion since 1978, that’s an expensive lesson we’ve learned in California, too. It’s time for us to do something about it -- and we can, by passing the SAFE California initiative this November. Today’s news is great, but our work isn’t done yet. Congratulations to Connecticut. Now look out for California! Sincerely, Natasha Minsker SAFE California Campaign Manager |  | | | |
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