Hi. This event is special in a few ways. 1. It's the kickoff of a major campaign to bring literacy and poetry
by Get Lit to our school system, which has slashed arts in the schools. 2. It's also the kickoff of Ash Grove
partnering with important progressive arts institutions - The Trailer Trash project and the Center for the Study
of Political Graphics are next in line (more on them, later). 3. Notice "Brave New Music.", along with our
great, proven AG artists. That means high schoolers and other younger musicians of talent are becoming
part of our roster. As an institution, the Ash Grove is entering a new phase of youth and growth. Come to
this great event, see what this means while helping this major literacy program for our denuded schools, and
have a hell of a good time, for fifteen bucks.
BTW; The date is indeed that of the 405 closure, but not to worry; we had our Juneteenth show last year on the
first closure and it all went just fine, with lots of people who drove on the 10, et al, or city streets. And lastly,
I hope you go to the Ash Grove web site, whether or not you want to buy tickets. Look at the list of artists who
played the club; it will blow your mind. The front page properly has a few, but to get a sense of whom we brought
to the club or who learned from the masters and whose own music reflected that experience, is formidable. Anyway,
hit the refresh icon on the website; the circular arrowhead counter-clockwise. It's bring up some recent changes,
includingthe ticket purchase info.

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