Call Your Rep. Today!  Ask ask him/her to vote YES on the Weiner amendment. Click "Call Now." It's easy and toll free! 
| Dear Healthcare-NOW! Supporter: We just got word from Congressman Weiner's office that because of your phone calls, faxes, and demonstrations, Speaker Pelosi is keeping her promise to allow the Weiner single-payer amendment a full debate and vote on the floor of the House. After nearly being shut out of the discussion completely, single-payer Medicare for All is being heard in the corridors of power as soon as this Friday. Call now to ask your Rep. to vote yes on Rep. Weiner's single-payer amendment. This is the one opportunity for your elected officials to go on record as supporting the only universal, comprehensive, cost-effective solution to the health care crisis. There are currently 87 cosponsors of HR 676, but this vote will make it clear to the movement which elected officials are truly with single-payer, Medicare for All. We need you to call today! Ask your Representative to vote his or her conscience. Vote for the plan that most American people, nurses, and physicians want and so desperately need: Medicare for All. Call now to demand your Rep. vote yes on Rep. Weiner's single-payer amendment. If you know who your Rep. is, the Congressional Switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. If not, go here--it's easy and toll free. Thanks for all that you do, Healthcare-NOW! National Staff P.S. We need your support. Please donate today. Healthcare-NOW! survives on the generosity of our supporters. Please consider making a donation to support our efforts to pass HR 676 using our secure server.  - Follow us on -
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