Monday. Nov. 23 through Wednesday, Nov. 25 -- 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Dear ED, Click here for unsubscribe options VotersForPeace is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose candidates for office. VotersForPeace.US 443-708-8360
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!
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Seven American antiwar coalitions and organizations are calling for various local actions before and after President Obama decides to widen the Afghanistan war. The decision is expected in a matter of days or a couple of weeks. The groups include: United for Peace and Justice, World Can't Wait, Veterans For Peace, National Assembly, Military Families Speak Out, A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition, and National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance. Their call to action is below.
Any day will likely come the sickening news that President Obama has decided to escalate the war in Afghanistan. Here in the U.S. and no doubt around the world people will react in pain, anger and sorrow, knowing what tragedy and suffering will follow.
It will mean at a very minimum that the U.S. will occupy Afghanistan for several more years, sending home dead and wounded soldiers while killing and wounding many times more Afghani people. The suffering in Afghanistan today will grow by orders of magnitude and the U.S. will be that much less secure in direct proportion.
As tragic as it was to see Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" crash and burn on the rocks of the Vietnam war, the stakes are much higher now. The U.S. economy today still teeters at the abyss. Escalating the Afghanistan war will not just be the ruin of desperately needed domestic programs but may very possibly destroy the entire economy.
For those reasons and many more we call upon our members and every U.S. citizen with a love of humanity in their heart to pledge to at least the following actions:
1) Within the next few days, ideally prior to any decision from President Obama, conduct any of a wide range of local activities — from calling Members of Congress to nonviolent civil resistance and everything in between — demonstrating our opposition to and disgust with any decision to widen the war in Afghanistan.
2) On the day immediately following an announcement to escalate the war in Afghanistan, respond again in a variety of ways. To show unity of purpose, we suggest local "March of the Dead" to federal buildings, local Congressional offices and government buildings of any sort.
Dear Friends and Neighbors, We all hope that President Obama will resist the pressures from his generals not to send more troops to Afghanistan. Recently, Matthew Hoh, a former Marine and later a senior US official in Afghanistan, resigned in protest over the Afghan war. US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry has urged President Obama not to send more troops to Afghanistan.
President Obama's decision on this is imminent. We are working with in Northern New Jersey with United for Peace and Justice, NJ Peace Action, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 21, and Military Families Speak Out, and Teaneck Peace and Justice Coalition.
We hope you will forward this e-mail to your contacts so that we can make a big difference.
<snip> [original message avail. on request -t.]
Peace NO War Network
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!
Information for antiwar movements, news across the World, please visit: http://www.PeaceNoW
e-mail: Info@PeaceNoWar.
Tel: (213)403-0131
Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: peacenowar-subscrib
Call 202-456-1111 Most importantly, make your call and make your voice heard!
While some news reports suggest President Obama is likely to send additional troops, there is still time for the American people to influence this decision! The President must know that there is NOT support for continuing this war that is costing billions of dollars, thousands of lives and increased hardship both in Afghanistan and here at home. The first step is to not send more troops. The next step must be the withdrawal of the troops currently there.
This is a decision making moment so we need to have as much of an impact as possible. Call now.
Call the White House - 202-456-1111 - and tell President Obama to say no to escalation in Afghanistan, end the war and bring the troops home. The U.S. military is bringing chaos, not stability to Afghanistan. The U.S. economy cannot afford the cost of $1 million to keep one solider in Afghanistan for one year. The U.S. would be better off removing troops and providing assistance to rebuild the country. In short, remove the troops now, don't add to the quagmire.
Thank you for taking action.
Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Monday, November 23, 2009
U.S. Peace Groups Unite, National Call-In Days
Peace NO War
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Voters for Peace has joined with other national organizations including AFSC, Code Pink, Peace Action, UFPJ and others to issue this call for a massive nationwide effort to flood the White House with phone calls from Monday through Wednesday this week. It is critical for President Obama to hear from people who oppose the war. So, call today!
Voters for Peace
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