From Protest to Resistance: How the US Solidarity Movement Can Make a Difference  IN HONOR of MKL DAY Jewish Voice for Peace-LA , Valley Socialists & Valley Greens Present From Protest to Resistance: How the US Solidarity Movement Can Make a Difference Peace Center West - Monday Jan 21st - 7:00pm (Doors Open at 6:30pm)
3616 S. Sepulveda Blvd Culver City, 90230 Bet. Washington & Venice Blvd. on the East side of the Street Parking in the Rear Learn how we can use Boycotts, Divestment Campaigns and Social Media to effect CHANGE Dalit Baum Ph.D., is a co-founder of Who Profits from the Occupation, an activist research initiative of the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel. As a feminist scholar and teacher, she teaches about militarism and about the global economy from a feminist perspective in Israeli universities. As a feminist/ queer activist, she has been active with various groups in the Israeli anti-occupation and democratization movement, including Black Laundry, Boycott from Within, Zochrot, Anarchists against the Wall and Women in Black. Who Profits has become a vital resource for dozens of campaigns around the world, providing information about corporate complicity in the occupation of Palestine. Huda Bayaa is a Palestinian-American activist, blogger, and humanitarian. She is a board member of the Palestine Children's Relief Fund and most recently was involved in organizing a protest at the Friends of the IDF Gala in December, 2012. She will be discussing the role of social media in the Palestinian solidarity movement. For More information: | | | | |
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