Friday, April 15, 2011

Joshua Holland: Obama's Deficit Speech

Obama's Deficit Speech: Lots of Flowery Talk About a Major Distraction

It was a classic Obama speech – reasonable, and seductive to a degree that
one might forget that we're debating how fast we're going to put the brakes
on this recovery.

By Joshua Holland
Alternet: April 13, 2011    

Barack Obama's deficit address was a classic piece of Washington Kabuki.
Long on rhetoric but sparse in detail, it was replete with
impossible-to-fulfill promises while kicking the stickiest issues down the
road, perhaps until some period of idealized comity arises in the future.

Obama pledged to cut $4 trillion from the projected deficit over the next 12
years. "To meet our fiscal challenge, we will need to make reforms," he
said. "We will all need to make sacrifices." Which means $3 dollars in
spending cuts (and "interest savings") for every dollar raised by cutting
coporate tax loopholes and restoring the Clinton-era rates on the wealthiest

Obama again crowed about the "historic cuts" the White House negotiated with
Congressional leaders last week, saying, "The first step in our approach is
to keep annual domestic spending low by building on the savings that both
parties agreed to last week." The speech was designed to take Paul Ryan's
ruinous budget out and beat it to death while claiming to be serious about
deficit reduction. It did that.

Obama also trumpeted bipartisanship, recalling the sunny days when Tip
O'Neill and Ronald Reagan would duke it out and then share a beer. "This
sense of responsibility... isn't a partisan feeling," he said. "It isn't a
Democratic or Republican idea."

If the budget projections don't look better by the end of 2014 – with debt
stabilized and declining by the end of the decade – it would automatically
trigger deep, "across-the-board" spending cuts. When a White House official
was asked how this would actually work prior to the speech, he responded
that the details are yet to be worked out.

In his address, Obama said we have to "put everything on the table." But
when asked whether a carbon tax would be part of the mix in closing the
deficit during the White House press call, the official said it was not.
When asked why Obama was calling for more modest defense cuts than many
analysts say is necessary, he replied that, as Commander-in-Chief, Obama had
to be more cautious. Despite the doubling of defense spending since 9/11,
Obama promised only to hold future increases to a figure beneath the rate of

"Winning the future" is definitely on the table, as is some vaguely
articulated fiddling with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Promising
not to balance the budget on the backs of the neediest, the president
pledged to control drug costs without imposing a burden on seniors or the
poor, but it's unclear how that might happen.

He vowed to control the growth of Medicare spending by holding down costs to
a half of a percent above inflation beginning in 2018. How that will happen
is also an open question, but health-care costs are projected to grow much
more rapidly than the rate of inflation.

Ultimately, the speech was a catastrophe for progressives who argue that we
need to grow our way out of the deficit by addressing the economic crisis
pummeling "Main Street." "The greatest long-term threat to America's
national security is America's debt," he said. But there was little in the
way of concrete substance.

How will we achieve $4 trillion in deficit reduction "without hurting the
most vulnerable"? The president called for a "gang of 16" legislators, led
by vice president Joe Biden, to enter into negotiations designed to figure
it out. How will he contain health-care costs? By strengthening the
Independent Payment Advisory Board that was created by the Affordable Care
Act. What about cutting discretionary spending? Obama wants to implement the
recommendations made by the co-chairs of the Simpson -Bowles commission.
They called for restoring discretionary spending to 2008 levels, but there
is nothing that binds future Congresses to those limits – it's called
"discretionary" spending because it's determined during the annual budget

In tone, the speech was classic Obama – reasonable, informed and seductive
to a degree that one might forget that we're debating to what degree we're
going to put the brakes on this tenuous, jobless economic recovery. But that
is what we're debating. Even the very moderate cuts agreed to last week will
cost the economy about 400,000 jobs, according to Moody's chief economist,
Mark Zandi.

Nobel laureate Joe Stiglitz called the Simpson Bowles recommendations –
several of which Obama embraced in his speech – a "suicide pact." He
predicted that it would cost the economy millions of jobs.
"I understand these fears," Obama said. "I say that if we truly believe in a
progressive vision of our society, we have the obligation to prove that we
can afford our commitments. If we believe that government can make a
difference in people's lives, we have the obligation to prove that it works
– by making government smarter, leaner and more effective."

"I understand these fears," Obama said. "I say that if we truly believe in a
progressive vision of our society, we have the obligation to prove that we
can afford our commitments. If we believe that government can make a
difference in people's lives, we have the obligation to prove that it works
– by making government smarter, leaner and more effective."

The reality is that while our private profit-driven health-care system is
unsustainably expensive, the U.S. spends less on the public sector than
almost every other developed country. We're running large deficits because
we're maintaining costly military operations in several countries and the
federal government collected less tax revenue in 2010 than in any year since

Progressives will no doubt celebrate Obama's deft dissection of the GOP's
budget gimmicks and his full-throated defense of the welfare state. But it
was ultimately some thin political gruel with unemployment remaining at 9
percent and the foreclosure crisis continuing unabated. When Obama's on, as
he was today, it's easy to forget that our biggest national debate is little
more than a distraction from the real issues plaguing our economy.

Joshua Holland is an editor and senior writer at AlterNet. He is the author
of The 15 Biggest Lies About the Economy (and Everything else the Right
Doesn't Want You to Know About Taxes, Jobs and Corporate America). Drop him
an email or follow him on Twitter

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